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Nichols Chiropractic

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Back Pain Faqs

Our Chiropractor Answers Frequently Asked Questions about Back Pain

Backaches of various kinds afflict practically everyone at some point. Here at Nichols Chiropractic we offer a variety of natural treatment methods to help patients overcome their back problems and resume a happy, healthy life. Here are just a few of the common questions we hear on the subject:

Q: What usually causes this kind of pain?

A: Back pain can occur as a result of muscular strain, acute trauma from a sports, work or auto accident injury, spinal misalignment or compression, "slipped" or bulging intervertebral discs that pinch nerves, or a chronic spinal problem such as osteoarthritis or stenosis.

Q: How does my posture affect my back?

A: An unbalanced posture can throw your center of gravity off, and this places unequal stresses on each side of your body. Over time this imbalance can create chronic muscle tightness or strain the connective tissues; it can also encourage the spinal column to fall out of its ideal alignment and pinch one or more nerves. The reverse is also true -- a misaligned spinal column can cause the postural imbalance. Either way, the results frequently include pain.

Q: If my back hurts, does that always mean the problem originates in my spine?

A: Not necessarily. "Flat" or pronated feet that fail to support your body weight correctly can place additional strain on the spine and back muscles as you struggle to maintain a straight posture. In these cases, a chiropractor may prescribe orthotic footwear that provides additional arch support, correcting your posture and relieving your back pain.

Q: What is sciatica?

A: Sciatica is a term that describes a group of symptoms related to a pinching of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is a major nerve that routes all nerve signals between the spine and the leg. If a spinal misalignment or disc problem pinches this nerve, you may feel pain the lower back, shooting pains in your leg or buttock, or numbness and weakness in the leg and foot. Chiropractic adjustment and other natural therapies can often relieve this condition.

Q: How do non-surgical treatments help with back pain?

A: Spinal adjustments at our Manhattan clinic can help with a variety of back problems, including muscle strain, pinched nerves and bulging discs. By returning your spine to its natural configuration, we also restore symmetry and balance to your body, ensuring more even weight distribution. ART therapy enables us to locate and break up tough knots of scar tissue called adhesions that can cause pain and limit your mobility. Acupuncture and massage therapy both relieve pain and stimulate healing by improving local circulation and reducing inflammation.

Contact Our Manhattan Clinic to Help Alleviate Your Back Pain

We encourage anyone who suffers from back and still has questions about our treatments to contact Nichols Chiropractic today. Our chiropractor will be happy to discuss your symptoms and schedule an evaluation so we can find a natural, drug-free solution to the problem.

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