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Nichols Chiropractic

(785) 537-2211

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Work Injury Treatment From Our Manhattan Chiropractor

At Nichols Chiropractic, our Manhattan chiropractor offers a wide range of services, including treatment for workplace injuries. Unfortunately, workplace injuries are quite common—and they can occur in just about any industry. From slip-and-fall accidents to chronic injuries and everything in between, our chiropractic team offers the diagnostic, treatment, and management services patients need to find relief and recover from their injuries so they can return to work with confidence.

What You Need to Know About Workplace Injuries

One common misconception people have about workplace injuries is that they only occur to those in physically-demanding jobs. However, even those who work more sedentary positions (such as desk jobs) can be at-risk of being injured in the workplace. This can happen when employees experience a slip-and-fall due to slick work surfaces, or even when desk employees develop spinal conditions over time as a result of poor posture or chair ergonomics. Of course, those in physically-demanding positions are also very prone to injuries, with slip-and-fall injuries as well as chronic back strain being among the most common.

Some of the more common workplace injuries we see and treat in our Manhattan office include:

  • sciatic nerve pain
  • slipped or herniated discs
  • pain caused by poor posture
  • pain caused by spinal misalignment

If you think you've been injured at work, the best decision you can make for yourself is to schedule an appointment with our chiropractic team. We'll run any necessary diagnostic tests to determine your specific injury, then work to develop a custom-tailored treatment and management plan to suit your needs. Ultimately, our goal is to help you find relief from your symptoms and recovery from your injuries while also preventing them from occurring again in the future.

Schedule an Appointment with Nichols Chiropractic Today

If you'd like to schedule an appointment with our Nichols Chiropractic team, we encourage you to give our office a call at (785) 537-2211. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have when you call as well.

Have you ever injured yourself on the job?

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