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(785) 537-2211

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Common Questions About Shoulder Pain Relief

Shoulder issues can impact your quality of life tremendously. If you are an active person, shoulder pain can result in the inability to participate in favorite sports. Shoulder problems can also result in missed days at work. Everyday activities like getting dressed can become difficult.

Common Questions About Shoulder Pain Relief

Fortunately, Manhattan, KS chiropractor Nichols Chiropractic can assist with shoulder pain relief. Chiropractic care brings deep pain relief and more rapid and efficient healing. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions your Manhattan, KS chiropractor hears regarding shoulder injuries and shoulder pain:

Can Manhattan, KS Chiropractor Nichols Chiropractic Help to Bring Relief to My Shoulder Pain?

Yes. Since shoulder pain causes are often related to misalignment of the components, Manhattan, KS chiropractor Nichols Chiropractic is focused on restoring balance and proper functioning. This assists in relieving shoulder pain.

What are the Most Common Causes of Shoulder Injury and Shoulder Pain?

The most common shoulder pain causes include shoulder dislocation, sprains, strains, shoulder bursa inflammation, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injury and tendinitis.

Does Chiropractic Care Help Shoulder Injuries to Heal?

Yes. When shoulder imbalances are corrected, more rapid healing can occur.

How is Shoulder Anatomy Structured?

The glenohumeral joint functions are like a ball and socket in the shoulder, allowing for a variety of movements. The three main bones include the scapula, glenohumeral joint and acromioclavicular joint. Supportive muscles, tendons, and ligaments facilitate movement and stability in the shoulder.

How Can I Avoid Shoulder Injuries?

To avoid shoulder injury, avoid repetitive upper body activities and overuse of the shoulder. If you perform repetitive activities, take frequent breaks. Use proper form with all upper body and lifting activities and avoid carrying heavy or unbalanced loads. Use proper ergonomics, form, and posture as much as possible.

Contact Our Local Chiropractor Today

Nichols Chiropractic is dedicated to bringing our clients the very best in traditional and alternative care. We treat a range of musculoskeletal issues using state-of-the-art techniques and technologies. All of our chiropractors are experienced in a range of modalities and approaches. We will diagnose the source of your shoulder pain and create a customized treatment plan. Call Nichols Chiropractic to set up an appointment.

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