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Nichols Chiropractic

(785) 537-2211

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Thompson Technique

Our Manhattan, KS Chiropractor Uses The Thompson Technique Thompson Technique

People believe chiropractic care consists of spinal adjustments and spinal adjustments alone. However, chiropractic care utilizes different modalities and treats a variety of issues besides spinal misalignments. One treatment used at our Manhattan, KS office is the Thompson Technique.

Thomas Technique Defined

The Thompson Technique was designed by Dr. J Clay Thomas in 1957 and was based on an earlier concept developed by Dr. Derifield of Detroit, MI. The Thompson Technique utilizes a segmented table where the patient is placed lying face down. The goal of this particular treatment centers around bringing balance to the body and neurological system. The logic behind the treatment rests upon the theory that a neurological imbalance affects the legs, in particular, by one leg being shorter than the other when a person is laid face down. Oftentimes, when the muscles are overstimulated, they become smaller, making the legs vary in length. 

Benefits of the Thomas Technique

The Thompson Technique does more than just correct asymmetrical leg sizes. People who undergo this particular treatment increase their strength and flexibility. The treatment helps the body gain a better defense against bodily injuries. It even reduces the amount of aches and pains a person has. Additionally, when a chiropractor performs this particular technique, the patient's performance and posture will improve. When a patient who opts for sessions that utilize the Thompson Technique, they may notice their sleep improves, and they feel more relaxed. It boosts the overall health of the body and increases a patient's tolerance for stress.

What to Expect During a Session

The first part of the treatment consists of evaluating the difference between the length of the two legs by a physical examination. The chiropractor may take x-rays as well. The chiropractor may also provide testing for palpations. Other tests might be conducted as well to determine if the treatment is suitable for the patient's health needs. 

After the treatment, the patient may feel a warming feeling flowing through different areas of the body. The restoration of nerve function has a tendency to create an overall feeling of well-being. Some people find complete relief after having just one adjustment using a drop table. However, others require multiple treatments to find relief. 

Why See Nichols Chiropractic for an Adjustment

At Nichols Chiropractic, all of the staff members you come in contact with have extensive training using the drop table. Our chiropractor takes a gentle approach while still providing an effective treatment. We have a thorough understanding of the logic behind this treatment and will spend the time to help you determine if it's the right option for you. Additionally, we offer other treatments in conjunction with the adjustments to further the benefits.  

To learn more about the Thompson Technique or to schedule an appointment with Nichols Chiropractic, contact us today at our Manhattan, KS office at (785) 537-2211.

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