Location 2


Nichols Chiropractic

(785) 537-2211

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Are you struggling form an “idiopathic” medical condition like any autoimmune disorder, memory decline, hypertension, issues with blood flow, fatigue, anxiety, or depression? Heavy metal toxicities could be a significant contributor to your symptoms. With a simple hair analysis we can see what your levels are. Metals like lead, mercury, and aluminin are everywhere and we are constantly expose on a daily basis. These metals are toxic to our bodies and are not filtered well. As a result, the body will dump large amounts of metals into areas of the body, some being more detrimental than others. Common storage areas include bones, neurological tissue, endothelial tissue.

In todays time, acute heavy metal toxicities are rare. However, long term chronic buildup of metals is a larger issue today. This is equivalent to a festering wound that just won’t heal.

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