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Itrac Therapy Manhattan

Manhattan Chiropractor uses iTracTM Therapy to Help Patients with Headaches, Neck Pain, Back Pain, and TMJ Disorders.

If you have headaches, you're not alone.  According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and the American Council for Headache Education nearly 90 percent of men and 95 percent of women experience headaches.  As many as 45 million Americans suffer from chronic, severe headaches that can be disabling.  It is estimated that 8 out of 10 people exhibit a forward head posture which has a direct impact on headache symptoms.

Forward head posture results in increased stress and strain on the muscles, ligaments and discs of the cervical spine (neck) which makes the neck vulnerable to injury and dysfunction resulting in increased pain and discomfort in the head and neck.

iTracTM Therapy protocols help restore the normal posture of the head and neck, thereby eliminating the source of the headaches.

Current statistics show that nearly 80 percent of people will be disabled by back or neck pain - some more severely than others - at some point in their lives.  This pain can range from a short-term, acute episode to long-term, chronic pain.  A common companion of neck pain is forward head posture.

Forward head posture results in increased stress and strain on the muscles, ligaments and discs of the cervical spine (neck) which makes the neck vulnerable to injury and dysfunction resulting in increased pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, upper back and head.

iTracTM Therapy protocols help restore the normal posture of the head and neck, thereby eliminating the source of the neck pain.

TMJ pain affects over 40% of the general population.  The most frequent symptom of TMJ dysfunction is pain in the back of the head (occipital cephalgia) and forward head posture.  Forward head posture not only increases the stress and strain on the cervical spine (neck) which makes it more vulnerable to injury but it also changes occlusion (biting pattern) which leads to increased stress on the TMJ which can lead to dysfunction and pain.

iTracTM Therapy protocols help restore the normal posture of the head and neck, thereby eliminating the source of TMJ-related pain and dysfunction.

Call our office to set up a free consultation with Dr. Nichols and learn how iTracTM Therapy, available exclusively at Nichols Chiropractic, can help you. 

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