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(785) 537-2211

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Low Functioning Thyroid FAQ

A low functioning thyroid can impact every part of your body, and it often goes undiagnosed creating frustration. Nichols Chiropractic in Manhattan, KS. understands that it's critical that your thyroid is functioning correctly, and we can help you manage your thyroid condition with functional medicine. We can help you understand the complexities of a low functioning thyroid.

What is a low functioning thyroid? 

Many people often go years without a hypothyroidism, or low functioning thyroid, diagnosis because the symptoms often mimic other conditions. The thyroid gland sometimes does not produce enough hormones to keep it functioning properly. When this happens, people may have no symptoms, or they could have several including weight gain, cold intolerance, hair loss, brittle nails, fatigue, and others.

How is hypothyroidism diagnosed?

A thyroid lab test will show levels of thyroid hormones including TSH, T4, and T3. An antibodies test can detect Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune component of a low functioning thyroid.

Are there other tests to help a low functioning thyroid?

Once diagnosed, traditional medicine can help maintain thyroid levels, but sometimes functional medicine will help discover the causes of a thyroid problem.

A chiropractor will check for:

  • other hormone imbalances
  • possible vitamin deficiencies
  • current cortisol levels
  • adrenal gland functioning
  • nutrient deficiencies

After examining the test results, your functional medicine provider can create a comprehensive health plan for you.

How Can Functional Medicine Help A Thyroid Problem?

Thyroid health doesn't improve overnight with a magic pill. Your provider will encourage you to make overall health changes for better thyroid function. These changes will include following an exercise program, eliminating foods that interfere with thyroid function, and offering stress management advice. Thyroid levels have a major negative impact on stress. Your provider will explain how your thyroid affects your mental, physical, and emotional health.

We Can Help Manage Your Low Functioning Thyroid 

If you have been diagnosed with a low functioning thyroid or suspect you may have it, contact Nichols Chiropractic In Manhattan, KS at (785) 537-2211 to set up an appointment. Don’t let a thyroid problem control your life, call today.

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