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Nichols Chiropractic

(785) 537-2211

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Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

When warm spring breezes blow, many homeowners bring out the garden tools to clean up the winter damage to the landscape. Many people don't realize their back muscles may not be in peak shape after lounging about during the cold winter months. They may overexert themselves, causing painful back injuries and muscle pain.

Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain

Watch Your Posture

After the storms of winter, your yard or garden may require a lot of work but go slow in the beginning. Don’t overdo it! Your body must become accustomed to the increased exercise if you are going to avoid sore muscles and a strained back.

When you first start out, try to limit bending over as much as possible so you won’t overuse your back muscles. Sitting on a small stool or garden cart while weeding or doing other tasks can help eliminate repetitive bending that can strain your back. You can also get a pad for your knees if you want to kneel down to work.

Avoid picking up heavy loads, such as bags of fertilizer or decorative stone that can cause muscle strain. Hand trucks or a wheelbarrow can help move heavy loads. You should also be careful when pushing too hard or stretching too far, as you can cause an injury to your back.

Limit Your Gardening Time

In the beginning, limit your gardening chores to no more than 30 minutes to avoid any possible back strain or pulled muscles. Slowly increase your time spent working. This will help avoid overexertion of your back.

Contact Our Local Chiropractor Today

At Nichols Chiropractic, we can offer our patients the latest technology and methods in dealing with back and neck problems to bring welcome relief from pain. Dr. Nichols, a Palmer College of Chiropractic graduate, uses mechanical as well as hands-on manipulations to bring your spine back into its natural alignment to eliminate pain and increase health and well-being.

If you suffer from any back or neck pain or injury, please give us a call at 785-537-2211. Our office is conveniently located in the Manhattan, KS area.

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