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Nichols Chiropractic

(785) 537-2211

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Injuries are the bane of the sports world. As the body undergoes attempts to reach physical limits and push mental boundaries through competition, injuries are commonly sustained. By better understanding the needs of the human body, we have been able to help prevent injuries and improve healing time through chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Care for Common Sports Injuries

The most commonly injured areas of the body include the ankles, knees, shoulders, back and elbows. Chiropractic care can help keep the body loose and in proper alignment to reduce inappropriate strain placed on muscles during strenuous activity. Your chiropractor will likely use a number of different treatments to help your muscles fully relax and improve your flexibility.

Strains and Sprains

When a joint is overextended or sharply twisted, you are likely to suffer small tears in the connecting muscles and tendons called a “strain.” Tears in your ligaments are called “sprains.” These injuries can be uncomfortable in the best cases and debilitating in the severest cases. Often, sprains and strains will cause swelling in the impacted area and stabbing pain with use. Your chiropractor will help you recover from these acute sports injuries with rehabilitation programs and then stabilization to avoid future injury.


Over training can lead to pain or dysfunction from joint abuse. These overuse syndromes include common sports injuries like tendonitis, or the inflammation of the tendon from repetitive use most frequently manifesting in athletes as tennis elbow, pitcher’s shoulder or runner’s knee. With tendonitis cases, it is important for a patient to see a chiropractor as soon as symptoms start – waiting beyond six months makes the condition much more difficult to treat effectively.

Additional Injury and Diagnosis

Contusions, dislocations, headaches, muscle cramping and stress fractures are also common sources of discomfort for athletes. At Nichols Chiropractic, we will help you find natural pain relief and look for the underlying cause of your injury. Though you may struggle with pain or injury in a specific joint or are of your body, imbalance and poor alignment are often to blame for the resulting injuries you experience.

Your chiropractor will relieve your pain by treating the core problem, avoiding medications that mask symptoms and cause unfortunate side effects. By treating your whole body through muscle relaxing techniques, stretching and healthy lifestyle changes, your chiropractor will be able to help you feel better and avoid future discomfort.

What injuries do you struggle with most frequently?

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