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3 Reasons Regular Massage Is Essential for Whole Body Wellness

massage therapy in ManhattanMassage treatments are more than just a “feel-good” indulgence for a vacation or special occasion. Regular massage therapy is an important part of wellness care. Massage treatments help our patients better manage stress, reduce the risk for injury, and support whole body health.

Ways Massage Therapy Benefits the Body

Could regular massage therapy make a difference for your health? Below, our Manhattan chiropractors share three reasons to include massage in your wellness care.

#1: Sleep better at night.

More than 30 percent of American adults suffer from occasional bouts of insomnia with at least one out of every 10 Americans suffering from chronic insomnia. Difficulty sleeping leads to an inability to concentrate, poor work performance, and can adversely affect an individual’s mood. Massage has been proven to help people spend more time in deep sleep, the restorative stage in which your body barely moves. Massage also increases levels of serotonin, which is essential to regulating the body’s sleep-wake cycle.

#2: Reduce the risk for athletic injury.

Whether you are training for a competitive race or simply enjoy going for a long run on the weekends, regular sports massage treatments will reduce the risk for injury and muscle strain. Sports massage increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood through the body’s soft tissues, delivering vital nutrients and flushing out toxins, such as lactic acid. Massage also alleviates minor aches and pains, improving athletic performance. Regular massage curbs muscle pain, allowing athletes to perform at their best during training and on race day.

#3: Manage stress.

Chronic stress floods are bodies with cortisol, leading to weight gain, feelings of irritability, and overall poor health. During massage therapy, the body releases endorphins, our “feel-good” hormone. Endorphins are the natural “high” individuals experience after running or other intense exercise. Whether you are experiencing stress due to a hectic holiday schedule or tight work deadline, regular massage treatments enhance the mind/body connection and reduce cortisol levels, which is essential to better managing stress.

When was the last time that you had a massage?

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