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Nichols Chiropractic

(785) 537-2211

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Having good posture is essential to your overall health. Poor posture can lead to headaches, back pain, breathing difficulty, fatigue, tension, the uneven and unnecessary wearing of the joints and discs, poor circulation, and more. In addition to doing constant posture checks and following office ergonomics, there are also several stretches you can do at home to help naturally keep your posture healthy. The following are just a few from our team here at Nichols Chiropractic and Functional Medicine.

Standing Forward Fold 

  • Start by standing with your heels apart and big toes together.
  • With your hands on your hips, bend or fold forward, allowing your hands to drop as you bend.
  • Slightly bend your knees, tuck your chin to your chest, and allow your head to hang freely. Enjoy the stretch in your neck, back, and legs.
  • Hold for up to one minute.

High Plank 

  • Start on all fours before straightening your legs and arms, and lifting your heels.
  • Straighten your body and look down at the floor.
  • Hold for as long as you can, working your way up to one minute.


  • Come back to all fours after your high plank.
  • As you breathe in, move your head toward the ceiling while your abdomen moves toward the ground.
  • As you exhale, move your head down, tuck your chin to your chest, and arch your spine.
  • Repeat these movements for one minute.

Child’s Pose

  • Sit on your shin bones, keep your heels together, and spread your knees as far apart as is comfortable for you.
  • Slowly walk your hands forward, allowing your head to rest as close to the floor as possible and ensuring your hips are resting on your heels.
  • Breathe deeply, holding your position for at least ten breaths.

Improve Your Posture With Ergonomics and Your Functional Medicine Chiropractor in Manhattan KS 

If you’re ready to strengthen your spine and improve your posture, schedule an appointment with our team at Nichols Chiropractic and Functional Medicine by calling (785) 537-2211 today. Your spine will thank you.

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