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Feeling Stressed? Massage Therapy & Chiropractic Care Can Help

massage therapy helps alleviate stressAs we transition from a relaxing summer and into the hectic fall season, it’s natural to feel stress, anxious, frustrated and overwhelmed. Whether you (or your children) are back in school, you are facing a major work deadline, or you are already feeling anxiety regarding upcoming holiday plans, these next few months can be very challenging.

Learn How Massage Relieves Stress

While some stress can be good (e.g., motivating us to meet a major deadline), constant, chronic stress has a debilitating effect upon the body. On a physiological level, chronic stress floods our body with adrenaline and the hormone cortisol, causing mood swings, feeling of depression, and weight gain. Our blood pressure soars, we struggle to sleep at night, we lash out at our loved ones and friends for no reason, and we fail to appreciate life’s simple pleasures.

If chronic stress is affecting your life, regular massage therapy and chiropractic care can make a significant difference for your well-being. Below, our chiropractor in Manhattan KS shares three ways these treatments can improve your health:

#1: Reduce cortisol levels and boost endorphin levels.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes weight gain and general feelings of negativity. In contrast, endorphins are the body’s “feel good” chemical – they are the “natural high” many people feel after running or exercising. During a massage treatment, your body experiences many important physiological side effects, including decreased cortisol and higher endorphin levels.

#2: Improve the mind/body connection.

Massage enhances the mind/body connection, leaving you with a feeling of calm and centeredness. The mind/body connection affects our outlook on life, including how we approach an illness or even a stressful situation. Positive thinking improves your outlook and reduces stress.

#3: Reduce spinal misalignments that are leading to tension and pain.

Even a minor spinal misalignment can affect how the body functions. When the spine is misaligned, the central nervous system is unable to properly send and receive messages from the brain to the body’s organs, leading to minor health problems and exacerbating stress.

Have you tried massage for stress relief?

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