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Nichols Chiropractic

(785) 537-2211

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sports injury care in Manhattan.jpgWhile there are many ways to become injured during sports activity, most types of sports injury fall into one of two categories: Repetitive use injuries occur when you make the same motion over and over again. If you play tennis, you might feel elbow or shoulder pain from swinging your racket, even if you have not had a defining impact or noticeable accident. An acute sports injury can occur with a single event. Twisting your ankle by turning suddenly or colliding with another player on the field can cause an immediate injury with a known origin. If you've suffered either type of injury, pain management techniques and a visit to your Manhattan area chiropractor can help you recover and get you back on the playing field.

Three Common Sports Injuries 

Over training: When you train beyond your regular level or beyond your body's ability to heal, you can suffer knee pain, back pain or pain in any overworked joint or muscle. If you are training for a marathon or competitive event, rest and pain management should be essential parts of your strategy; get enough rest and you'll avoid this common sports injury.

Sprains and strains: A sprained ankle is one of the most common sports injuries; if you run on any kind of surface, from the football field to the track, you are at risk for spraining your ankle. Sudden stops, impacts and falls can all lead to sprains and strains and should be treated promptly. Our Manhattan chiropractor can help you manage the ankle or knee pain that can accompany a sprain.

Tendonitis or Bursitis: Shoulder pain can often be the result of tendonitis or bursitis. If you swim, golf or play tennis, you may be a prime candidate for one of these injuries. Stretching before you play, strength conditioning and supportive care are all helpful in preventing injuries.

Have you ever had a sports injury? Did you see chiropractic care for rehabilitation?

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